MicroMB Technology Center offers innovative technical services and solutions aligned with customer needs. It provides quality control testing, analytical testing and troubleshooting services.
Our experienced chemists and polymer engineers are dedicated to formulate tailor compounds and assist in de-formulation projects. In addition, our skilled technicians can perform trials on our lab production lines replicating many manufacturing backgrounds.
MicroMB offers solutions for extrusion processes to enhance productivity (increasing throughput and reducing cycle time) and product quality (eliminating melt fracture, reducing die lines…), particularly in the polyolefin extrusion processes.
Mechanical and optical properties are important for plastic film characterization. MicroMB provides support to enhance plastic film properties such as chemical resistance, clarity, elongation at rupture, film drawdown, film impact strength, flexibility, haze, gloss, heat resistance, impermeability to gases/liquids, low temperature flexibility, melt viscosity, mechanical flex life, resistance to film blocking, stress cracking resistance and tensile strength at rupture.